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There are endless options for buyers today. A visitor to your website is a potential customer. Conversion occurs only when the site is attractive to them. A seamless User interface provides the best User Experience. Any difficulty in navigating the site, will be an unpleasant experience, causing the user to abandon your site. A UI/UX design company like Open Designs can help create the most compelling user experiences.


UI/UX DESIGN  User Experience is the reason for a stranger to stick with you.

User Experience is the reason for a stranger to stick with you.



70% of online businesses that fail do so because of bad usability.

HAPPY USERS User experience is all about how they feel. Make your users feel happy. Appreciate them.


User experience is all about how they feel. Make your users feel happy. Appreciate them.
INFLUENTIAL DESIGNS Design influences your users to take the next action towards your brand. Remember, They get to stay or le


Design influences your users to take the next action towards your brand. Remember, They get to stay or leave.
ELEVATE BRAND IMAGE Most of them judge you based on your website design, Irrespective of your brand size. A good brand should


Most of them judge you based on your website design, Irrespective of your brand size. A good brand should also be designed well.


Websites are not just about creativity. UI/UX Design companies use a combination of imagination and technical intellect to craft the best customer journeys. Their effectiveness is determined by the return on investment from the website by the business.


Make it easy for users to explore your products and services. This will motivate them to stay longer on your website.

Visual Design

Pictorial representations are easy to remember and stays on users mind for a longer period of time.
Hierarchy is important for the users to relate and make meaning out of all the information provided to them.​

Information Architecture

Interactive Design

Nobody likes static designs, It’s Outdated! Every User online is expecting the designs to react to them digitally.


Prototyping helps the company to reduce the cost and efforts. It helps you to understand the user behaviour at the early phase.
Factors User interface design and development is the backbone of the user experience. It plays a key role in influencing the
User interface design and development is the backbone of the user experience. It plays a key role in influencing the following.


© Made with Family Arun &

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