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Video Editing Services

We can turn your raw footage into amazing videos
by implementing advanced post production techniques
Service Starts at 7999/-
DIXAZ is a reliable video editing company that offers high-quality and affordable video editing services. We have solid experience editing various types of raw footage using professional post-production techniques. Our experienced video editors cater to the needs of various global clients as per their specifications. From performing simple edits to advanced edits, our team can handle all types of editing requirements.

We provide customized video editing solutions to videographers and content creators. We offer competitive and customized pricing plans, allowing you to overcome your budget constraints.

Short films editing

Need a reliable editing team to turn your amateur short films into professional movies? 

You Tube video editing

From raw footage to end-to-end post-production for YouTube videos and Shorts at flexible rates!

Reels & shorts

Get your Facebook videos, Instagram Reels, Tik Toks, and YouTube Shorts flawlessly edited by our experts!

Final file delivery

Once the client confirms and approves the video ensuring no further changes are required, we start the final delivery process.

Video editing

Our expert video editors start with their editing workflow. Leveraging the latest tools and technologies, we sort raw video footage or the source files from the existing video to edit.

Client briefing

Once the order is confirmed, our video editing experts will initiate a requirement- gathering session. The client is requested to share the creative brief and project scope.

File Upload

The client shares the existing video source file, raw footage, images to be incorporated, corporate brand guidelines, etc. The editors utilize these during the post-production process.

Our professional video editing services list

Our best video editing services are comprehensive and designed to suit the needs of various industries. We possess an advanced infrastructure that supports any business vertical. This helps us deliver quality services to:

Our Video enhancement process

Price Mentioned Below

Short & Reel

Title description Key words &  ( Facebook , Instagram , YouTube UPLOAD 

Rs 449

Long Videos

Get your Facebook videos, Instagram Reels, Tik Toks, and YouTube Shorts flawlessly edited by our experts!

Rs 749

YT Thumbnail 

Banner Image for ( Instagram , Facebook , YouTube ) every month update

Rs 129


Let’s Craft Your Digital Success Story.
Let’s Connect.

We are an agency ‘born in the digital era’. We help businesses find their brand’s
voice and think giant in the competitive market.

© Made with Family Arun &

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